Sorry, these photos probably aren't the best I've ever posted. I forgot to set the exposure/shutter speed before giving Christopher the camera and so they turned out really dark. And after a long Monday at work followed by a trip to the gym, I was too tired to do much editing to them :/ (Chris knows how to set that stuff up... I dunno why he won't)
dress/tights/necklace: forever 21
cardigan: target
belt: urban outfitters
cage wedges: MIA via TJ Maxx
We took these at my parents house last weekend after my brother's 21st birthday celebration and a childhood friend's wedding. I really love this dress! It's like a tunic, so I paired it with a belt to give me a waist, but unfortunately in doing so the dress got a bit shorter, hence the tights.
Ugh I am SO tired! I have more to type about but I just feel like my arms are too weak. Haha. I'm so pathetic! I'm going to post tomorrow though about a little personal challenge I think I'm going to try come June 1st!
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