Friday, July 01, 2011

goals: july

I'm starting a new little habit of making a list of goals to accomplish in a month's time. I started last month, just to see how it'd go, and even though I didn't really stick to it, I actually got close to accomplishing some and I think having the goals in mind really helped! So here are my goals for July:

1. lose 5lbs (get down to 155lbs)

2. blog 3x a week (12 times for the month)

3. no bingeing (especially with Chris' birthday and the 4th this month, it'll be difficult)

4. sketch/brainstorm more ideas for an etsy store (come up with a name)

5. set date to open said etsy store

6. bake something yummy (healthy a plus!) at least twice

7. explore a new part of town

8. pay off credit card

9. work with Chris on doing our first screen-print

10. no "new" clothes (thrifting/etsy okay, in moderation)


SRS said... [Reply to comment]

good for you for setting some goals for yourself! i love keeping a journal for that sort of thing to update my progress on a daily basis. best of luck! i also love your dip-dyed hair in the photos in the entry before this one. you look incredible!