Tuesday, September 13, 2011

pumpkin bread

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I love love love fall and with that comes a love (love, love) of one of the most important signs of fall: PUMPKINS! I love Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Lattes, I love pumpkin muffins, breads and scones... heck, I was so eager for fall that I made use of some pumpkin pancake mix leftover from last fall for breakfast back in July. My intentions were pumpkin scones, since I love scones and I have yet to ever make my own, but a pumpkin bread kit I found at Sam's decided for me that I would make pumpkin bread instead. Low in funds, and determined to not spend $10 on a mega-pack of butter (even though it would get used) I used the kit that only required eggs, oil, and water. All of which I already had on hand.

The kit makes two batches of two loaves each. So, four loaves of pumpkin bread. YES PLEASE. Since Chris and I are still on a diet (for real real this time), and knowing that two loaves of delicious pumpkin bread would be hanging out in the kitchen, begging to be eaten as fast as they can be to prevent them from "going bad," I made one loaf and about 40 mini pumpkin muffins instead. The mini muffins went to work, where I was easily able to pawn some delicious and inevitable pumpkin-induced fall poundage off on to my co-workers. I don't think they noticed my hidden agenda.

I'm mainly just excited because I have a whole 'nother kit of pumpkin bread just waiting to be whipped up on a pumpkin-fall-craving-moment's notice.


Vanessa said... [Reply to comment]

Your photos are beautiful! That pumpkin bread looks deeeelicious!

I like to satisfy my baking fix, have a bite or two, then send the rest off to work with my husband. Mwahahaha, so sneaky!
