Monday, July 11, 2011

the weekend in review

hello all.

I had a fabulous weekend but could have definitely used another day at least! I have an outfit to post but just haven't gotten around to getting the photos off my camera yet, so I thought I'd recap my weekend and maybe get to that outfit tomorrow.

All photos taken with my iPhone 4 using the Instagram app.

what I wore //
dress: urban outfitters via thrifted
cardi: target
shoes: blowfish

Chris and I drove to Mobile for Art Walk and to see a friend of mine's show, but first we met up with another friend who has the cutest apartment that he's about to move out of (boo!) and Chris bought one of his guitars. We then met up with some more friends, got some sangria and delicious cupcakes from different art galleries and enjoyed each other's company as we sweated our asses off.

We then met up with more friends and went to Samurai J, a neat little sushi joint and Chris and I had out first Sake Bomb. They were more fun and entertaining than tasty, but basically you place a shot of sake on top of chopsticks placed over half a glass a beer, say "1-2-3 Sake BOMB" and pound the table, consequently shaking the chopsticks, knocking the shot glass into the beer, at which time you CHUG. Ha, like I said, it was fun!

How was your weekend?


thegirlhassparke said... [Reply to comment]

your dress is so sweet - love your phone cover as well!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Awww, how awesome is instagram! And that dress is gorgeous. Love the buttons! Just stumbled across your blog ...

Kelly @
Elegantly Academic